Frequently Asked Questions About Our Digital Marketing Online Training Courses

Q. How do the courses work?

Each lesson includes Action Steps so that you can start implementing what you’ve just learned, along with Quick Wins so that you can apply your newfound knowledge immediately.

Q. Do I have to take the courses live?

No, everything is online, conducted on a web-based e-learning software platform. Once a lesson is released, you can access it whenever you wish, anytime 24/7, in accordance with your own timetable). You proceed at your own pace, accessing materials online.

Q. What’s the course format?

Our online training courses provide content in a variety of multimedia forms, including text, images, videos, slideshows, presentations and PDF files. No special software is required to participate, you access it through a web browser (eg Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari).

Q. What happens if I need help?

Interaction with the course tutor is enabled via email (with telephone backup if required).

Q. Which web browser should I use?

We recommend Chrome and Firefox, though using Edge or Safari should also enable you to go through the courses without any issues.

Q. How long are the courses?

A. We typically recommend that you allow an average of two hours per lesson — less in the earlier stages of a course, more in the latter stages.

Q. How much time do I have to complete the courses?

A. Most of our courses are specified as being for a set number of weeks. That doesn’t mean that you have only that period of time to complete your course, however — you complete the course at your own pace, and many of our students opt for a more leisurely completion time. When we say that a course is a seven-week course, it simply means that the course is divided into seven lessons, and we release those lessons over a seven week period (similarly with our longer courses, we send you information on a weekly basis for the official duration of the course).

Q. Why do you release the course lessons weekly?

We release course content weekly because we review (and where necessary update) the contents of each lesson just before release, to ensure that the material is as up-to-date as possible — digital marketing is constantly changing, so we aim to ensure that the lessons reflect the latest developments.

Q. I have received my final Lesson Notes from you but have not finished the course yet. Am I still able to access it online?

Our courses remain online on an ongoing basis, for students to access at their own pace. We will notify you in plenty of time if a course is about to expire.

Q. Do I have to take the course in a single session or can I go through it again if I get interrupted?

Yes, you can view the lessons up to ten times without any problem (and we can reset it beyond that if necessary). If you don’t complete a full lesson in one sitting, you will have to go back to the start of that lesson when you go through it again. However we try to split long lessons into separate parts so that you can more easily take them at your own pace and revisit them as required.