Digital Marketing Workshop
Digital Marketing Workshop

We often get asked to come into organisations and conduct a live workshop to bring teams up to speed with the latest developments in Digital Marketing.

To that end, we've developed a four-hour workshop covering the key elements you need to know to survive and thrive in 2024.

Here are the key elements of the Digital Workshop:

1 Today's Digital Environment

We start by giving you an overview of today’s digital environment and how much Kiwi consumers have taken to living a digital life, as always-connected global citizens.

We look at the way that Digital Marketing is now the leading advertising medium in NZ, with more than 2.1 Billion dollars spent on digital advertising annually, and what that means for Kiwi marketers.

NZ Annual Advertising Expenditure ($ Millions)

And we talk about some of the key challenges and priorities that marketers have identified for 2024 including:

  • Customer-Centricity & Personalization
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Balancing Brand & Performance Marketing
  • Sustainability & Social Impact


2 Artificial Intelligence

Next, we discuss what marketers need to know about the latest developments in AI, including:

  • Prompt Engineering
  • AI-assisted Writing (including ChatGPT, Claude, Google Gemini, Meta AI, Microsoft Copilot)
  • AI Design (including MidJourney, Leonardo, DALL-E, Adobe, Canva)
  • AI Video (SORA, Runway ML, Haiper, Synthesia, Studio D-iD)
  • AI Text to Speech (ElevenLabs etc.)
  • AI Music Creation (Suno, Udio)


3 Understanding the New Customer Journey

The customer journey refers to the stages customers travel through in their relationship with a specific brand. In a digital world. In this section, we examine the "new" customer journey, how it is different from the traditional customer model, and how it is both enriched and accelerated by the resources and the tools available.

We consider:

  • how the customer journey starts (and how you can influence that beginning)
  • the 85% of the customer journey that happens before customers make contact with prospective suppliers
  • where customers look for information
  • what happens at the Zero Moment of Truth
  • winning the First Moment of Truth
  • minding the Gap


4 Organic (Unpaid) Search

We'll bring you up to speed with the latest developments in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), including:

  • The Google Update of March 2024, when Google began cracking down on low-quality content in search results
  • Google's AI Overview (formerly "Search Generative Experience"), now rolling out around the world and impacting results for up to 33% of search queries
  • Voice Search Optimisation (Hey Google, Hi Siri, Greetings Alexa)
  • Video SEO
  • Evolving Search Intent


5 Paid Search (Google Ads)

Paid Search accounts for the largest share of NZ digital advertising, so it's essential to understand what's happening in this space. Learn more about:

  • PPC Automation
  • Smart Bidding
  • Target CPA (cost-per-action) bid strategies
  • Visual Search
  • Broader keyword matching
  • Intent-optimised landing pages


6 Social Media Marketing

What's hot in Social Media? The usual suspects (Facebook and Instagram), along with TikTok for younger audiences, LinkedIn for business targets, plus various other contenders.

In this section of the workshop, we'll run you through the latest statistics for 2024, and talk about:

  • why the first two seconds of your social videos are so essential
  • what types of content work best
  • the power of Social Search
  • the growth of Social Commerce
  • Social Audio
  • Augmented Reality



7 Influencer Marketing

These days, more and more businesses turn to “influencers” — those who have already developed their own followers, especially in social media — and sponsor posts to promote their products. We explore:

  • the Dos & Don’ts of Influencer Marketing
  • the rise of the AI influencer
  • the importance of transparency
  • how users really feel about influencers
  • More nano- and micro-influencers
  • how to find Kiwi Influencers


8 Email

It’s the oldest digital marketing tool of all, but it’s still the most effective for most target audiences. Let's talk about email marketing strategies and best practices, and:

  • Email Authentication, including SPF, DKIM and DMARC
  • Personalization at scale with AI
  • Interactive email experiences
  • Minimalist designs
  • Mobile focus
  • Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI)
  • Rise of the newsletter creator


9 Online Video

Online Video is now NZ’s most popular channel, and it’s a powerful way to communicate your brand story, explain your value proposition, and build relationships with your customers and prospects.

Some of the topics we cover include:

  • The Importance of Thumbnails
  • Short-Form Video Reigns Supreme
  • The Rise of Silent Videos
  • Live Shopping Takes Center Stage
  • More Real People on Camera
  • Fewer Videos in Search Results


10 Analytics

It’s packed full with information that can transform your digital marketing efforts. We’re talking Google Analytics, and a great many online marketers use the Analytics service to track the performance of their digital marketing. In this section, you’ll learn more about:

  • The move to GA4
  • New Primary Channel group
  • Trend Change Detection & Google Signals
  • New traffic source dimensions
  • In-Product Help For Beginners


11 Future Trends

Finally, we talk about what other digital marketing developments to watch for in 2024, that are likely to have an impact on your business.




The workshop is approximately four hours in duration, presented live with interaction and discussion. This can be presented either in one continuous morning or afternoon session or else in 2 x 2 hour blocks, with a break in the middle.

If you would like us to conduct a workshop on digital marketing for your team, simply email us at with your contact details or phone us on 021 1493 403 and we will follow up with you directly.

We will present the four-hour workshop in your premises (or, if you prefer, online) for $3997+GST (plus travel and accommodation expenses as incurred, if the presentation venue is outside Auckland).



This workshop has been created and is presented by Michael Carney, who heads up Netmarketing Courses.

Michael is a veteran marketer with an insatiable passion for whatever’s new, different, exciting or interesting in the world of communications (and especially in the digital space). Michael has decades of experience in marketing and has been online since 1987. He can be variously described as a digital marketing trainer, adman, media director, strategist, researcher, copywriter, consultant, playwright and dad.

Michael is probably best known for his many years as Media Director of a number of leading NZ advertising agencies, including MDA Mackay King (now Saatchi & Saatchi) and HKM Rialto (since merged with Colenso BBDO). More recently he worked in strategic roles with MediaCom New Zealand and Grey Worldwide and was Strategic Planning Director for the Media Counsel before setting up Netmarketing Courses in 2010. He is currently also the Digital & Strategy Director for the Good Gravy advertising agency group. 

Michael is the author of “Trade Me Success Secrets: How To Buy and Sell Effectively on NZ’s Favourite Auction Site”, now in its second edition.

Michael was chairman of the NZ Marketing Association’s Network of Digital Marketers from 2009 until  2013.



What are people saying about these workshops?

Feedback from previous digital marketing workshop participants:

  • It is great that we have managed to get an external perspective on marketing in the digital space – your expertise in this area is greatly appreciated. – Hazel T.
  • I really enjoyed the [Digital Marketing Workshop] today and got a lot out of it  – Nikki H.
  • Thanks for a great [Digital Marketing] session yesterday, really enjoyed it and learnt lotsIzi W



If you would like us to conduct a workshop on digital marketing for your team, simply email us at with your contact details or phone us on 021 1493 403 and we will follow up with you directly.

Please note: workshops are limited to two per month, so please act promptly.



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